Global Compact
We are a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. We are committed to its ten principles on environment, human rights, working and social standards as well as anti-corruption. We report our progress in these four topics annually and transparently. We expect our business partners to comply with the UNGC principles.
United Nations Global Compact Stuttgart Airport's Communication on ProgressAIRPORT CARBON ACCREDITATION
Our systematic environmental management and the application of new technologies are important tools for us in reducing CO2 emissions on the ground and in the air. For our accomplishments so far we reached the optimisation level at the Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA), a climate protection initiative developed by ACI Europe, the trade representative of European airports. The programme certifies the carbon management of airports in six levels: “Mapping”, “Reduction”, “Optimisation”, “Neutrality", "Transformation" and "Transition".
Airport Carbon AccreditationEco-Management and Audit Scheme
Stuttgart Airport’s environmental management has been audited according to EMAS criteria since 2013. Our system continuously controls and improves our environmental performance. We set ourselves specific targets and make our activities and progresses transparent.
EMASGerman Sustainability Code
The cross-sector transparency standard contains of 20 sustainability criteria; it has been founded by the German Council for Sustainable Development. Stuttgart Airport publishes its compliance statement according to the German Sustainability Code (DNK) each year. It is a component of the airport’s sustainability reporting and is published via the Sustainability Code platform.
Stuttgart Airport's DNK Compliance StatementGerman Sustainable Building Council
As an important infrastructure business and real estate location in the region we are a member of the German Sustainable Building Council - DGNB e.V. since 2012. Besides technical and economic factors we emphasize ecological and sociocultural aspects such as construction materials, user friendliness and accessibility in all our construction projects.
German Sustainable Building CouncilSuccess Factor Family
We hold a membership in the business network “Success Factor Family”. It reinforces our commitment to a family-conscious corporate governance. Success Factor Family is a joint initiative of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and the German Association of Chambers. The network works on making family-friendliness a hallmark of the German economy.
Sustainable Destination
Stuttgart Airport is a partner of the Sustainable Destination Stuttgart Region and supports efforts to promote sustainability and environmental protection in tourism. The certification considers the entire destination and includes all tourism providers.
Sustainable Business Initiative (KLIMAWIN)
Stuttgart Airport is a supporter of the Sustainable Business Initiative (KLIMAWIN) of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg. As a signatory we voluntarily commit ourselves to comply with the twelve guiding principles on core values of sustainability.
Climate Alliance Baden-Württemberg
Stuttgart Airport has entered into a partnership with the state Baden-Württemberg in the new Climate Alliance for committed climate protection. The state airport was one of the first companies to join the alliance. Stuttgart Airport strives to become net zero by 2040.
Klimabündnis Baden-Württemberg (in German)